Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What’s a Reboot?
It’s a period of time where you commit to drinking and eating fruits and vegetables in order to regain or sustain your vitality, lose weight and kick-start healthy habits that recharge your body and get your diet back in alignment for optimal wellness. The Juicing Plus 15 Day Plan involves eat­ing and juicing only fruits and vegetables for 15 days. You will find juicing only plans and longer Reboot plans at If you want to do a 30, 45, or 60 day plan you just add the additional days after day 5.

Why Reboot?
A Reboot is the perfect way to power up your system with fresh, clean, plant-based energy. When you juice, your system is flooded with an abun­dance of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients—plant compounds that help your body stay strong, look beautiful and fight disease.

A 15-Day Reboot Will Help You
Reset your system to crave healthy foods
Jumpstart weight loss
Boost your immune system
Promote beautiful, clear skin
Promote detoxification
 Ease digestion

Here is what a typical day on your Reboot might look like:

Reboot Daily Guide

Wake up: Drink 2 glasses of hot water (we suggest adding lemon and/or ginger)
Breakfast: Orange or Red Juice
Mid-Morning: Drink 16 oz. unflavored coconut water
Lunch: Green Juice
Afternoon snack: Green or Red Juice
Dinner: Green Juice
Dessert: Purple or Orange Juice
Bedtime: Drink herbal tea (with pure stevia for sweetness if desired)

Throughout the day: Drink lots of water

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