Sunday, June 16, 2013

Healthy Fats ~ Are you getting enough?

A Reboot includes high amounts of many vital micronutrients like vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. But for macronutrients, like protein, many people wonder, "Will I get enough fat during my reboot?" Here is a brief breakdown of the most important facts you need to know.

Why are fats important to eat?

Including healthy fats in the diet is important for many reasons. Here are just a few key points:

~ Absorption of fat soluble vitamins and phytonutrients, like antioxidants, Vitamin E, carotenes like beta-carotene or lycopene, Vitamin D and Vitamin K.

~ Essential fats are very important for anti-inflammatory actions, healthy brain function and development, reduced risk for heart disease, and preservation of muscle mass during cancer treatment just to name a few.

Will I get enough fat during my Reboot?

During a shorter Reboot juice fast (up to 15 days) fatty acid deficiency is not likely to be an issue in this period of time for most people. This is partly because our bodies store fat soluble vitamins and fatty acids easily in the body. With weight loss and exercise we also release stored fats into the bloodstream making these building blocks available to the body for important use, which is why staying active during your Reboot is important.

Even a juice-only Reboot isn’t 100% fat free. Certain fruits and vegetables contain small amounts of fats:

~ Kale has just over half of a gram of fat per 1 cup of raw leaves.
~ Celery has a quarter of a gram for 2 stalks.
~ Apple has a quarter of a gram each.
~ Carrots offer a quarter of a gram each.

To put it in perspective, in one juice like the Mean Green, you could be consuming up to 2-3 grams of fat.

If you find you have very dry skin, eczema, dermatitis, brittle, cracked lips or are at risk for gallstones*, you may want to add a little bit more healthy fats to your juices.

Here are a few ideas:
~ Coconut oil
~ Olive oil
~ Walnut oil
~ Macadamia oil
~ For amounts, we suggest 1-2 teaspoons to a juice once a day
~ Another option is to blend your juice with an avocado.

A touch of oil even occasionally also adds a nice flavor to juice. Check out these juices with oil included in the recipe:
Tabbouleh Juice
Reboot Rainbow Salad Juice

Here are some juices where a touch of healthy oil would fit nicely:
Gazpacho Juice
V28 Juice

For a longer juice fast (15-30 days) if you are concerned, you can add a small amount of healthy fats listed above. Fish oils/Omega-3 supplements or liquid may be tolerated well also. Including seeds such as flax, hemp and/or chia in your juice once daily is another way to include healthy fats on a Reboot. It is not advised to consume more than 2 teaspoons a day of oil during the fasting period.

Juice fasting has many benefits including allowing rest for many complex digestive processes, for a small period of time, and this can include fats. Fats require more steps in the digestive process compared to carbohydrates.

*For some rebooters or juice fasters, including small amounts of healthy fats right from the start is important, such as those persons predisposed to gall stones. While eating too many of the wrong types of fats puts you at a high risk for gallbladder problems, people who eat no fat at all are also at risk. No fat in the diet means that the gallbladder works less frequently, which could cause inactivity or stoppage of flow (stasis) and bile thickening (bile sludge). Eating moderate amounts of healthy fats is highly recommended for gallbladder health.

Taken from:

Day 11

When you Wake Up: 8-12 oz of Hot Lemon Water

Hot Water w/ Lemon or Ginger
8-12 oz water
1 Lemon Wedge
¼ in ginger, peeled and thinly sliced (optional)

Breakfast: Spicy Lemon Cucumber Juice

Spicy Lemon Cucumber Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
275Calories, 82 g Carbs, 4 g Fat, 16 g Protein, 101g Sodium, 16 g Sugar
4 Lemons
4 Cucumbers
2 cups Parsley
2” Horseradish root

Morning Snack: 16 oz Coconut Water

Lunch: Veggie Juice

Veggie Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
626 Calories, 108 g Carbs, 2 g Fat, 28 g Protein, 244 g Sodium, 60 g Sugar
8 Tomatoes
4 Red Peppers
2 Orange Peppers
2 Carrots
2 Zucchini
2 handfuls of fresh herbs (Oregano, Basil, & Parley)
1 Jalapeno Pepper

Afternoon Snack: Spicy Lemon Cucumber Juice

Dinner: Veggie Juice

Dessert: Pear Pie Delight

Pear Pie Delight
This recipe makes 1 serving
501 Calories, 124 g Carbs, O g Fat, 10 g Protein, 66 g Sodium, 79 g Sugar
1 Sweet Potato
2 ripe Pears
1 Red Apple
1cup Blueberries
Dash Cinnamon

Before Bed: Herbal Tea

Total Nutritional Values for the day based on MyFitnessPal Values:

1,448 Calories, 324 g Carbs, 7 g Fat, 46 g Protein, 594 g Sodium, 155 g Sugar

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 10

When you Wake Up: 8-12 oz of Hot Lemon Water

Hot Water w/ Lemon or Ginger
8-12 oz water
1 Lemon Wedge
¼ in ginger, peeled and thinly sliced (optional)

Breakfast: Crisp & Clean Green Juice

Crisp & Clean Green Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
750 Calories, 176 g Carbs, 6 g Fat, 20 g Protein, 270 g Sodium, 106 g Sugar
½ Green Cabbage
4 Pears
2 bunches Romaine Leaves
2” Ginger root

Morning Snack: 16 oz Coconut Water

Lunch: Garden Basket Juice

Garden Basket Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
618 Calories, 128 g Carbs, 0 g Fat, 20 g Protein, 1,325 g Sodium, 68 g Sugar
2 Beets
3 stalks Rainbow Chard
4 Celery Stalks
2 Broccoli stems
2 lemons, peeled
4 Green Apples
1 large handfuls of basil or parsley

Afternoon Snack: Crisp & Clean Green Juice

Dinner: Garden Basket Juice

Dessert: Spicy Black Passion

Spicy Black Passion
Makes 1 Serving
250 Calories, 61 g Carbs, 2 g Fat, 5 g Protein, 8 g Sodium, 44 g Sugar
2 cups Blackberries
2 cups Black or Purple Grapes
2” Ginger root

Before Bed: Herbal Tea

Total Nutritional Values for the day based on MyFitnessPal Values:

1,686 Calories, 380 g Carbs, 8 g Fat, 41 g Protein, 1,781 g Sodium, 233 g Sugar

Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 9

When you Wake Up: 8-12 oz of Hot Lemon Water

Hot Water w/ Lemon or Ginger
8-12 oz water
1 Lemon Wedge
¼ in ginger, peeled and thinly sliced (optional)

Breakfast: Carrot Apple Ginger

Carrot Apple Ginger Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
468 Calories, 118 g Carbs, 2 g Fat, 6 g Protein, 305 g Sodium, 78 g Sugar
6 Carrots
4 Apples
2 in Ginger Root

Morning Snack: 16 oz Coconut Water

Lunch: Joe’s Mean Green

Joe’s Mean Green Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
480 Calories, 100 g Carbs, 6 g Fat, 26 g Protein, 400 g Sodium, 22 g Sugar
6 Kale leaves
2 Large Cucumbers
2 Celery stalks
1 Green Apple
½ Lemon, peeled
1 in Ginger Root

Afternoon Snack: Carrot Apple Ginger

Dinner: Joe’s Mean Green

Dessert: Purple Passion

 Purple Passion
This recipe makes 1 serving
374 Calories, 96 g Carbs, 1 g Fat, 4 g Protein, 9 g Sodium, 75 g Sugar
2 cups Purple, Black, or Red Grapes
2 cups Blueberries
1 handful Mint leaves

Before Bed: Herbal Tea

Total Nutritional Values for the day based on MyFitnessPal Values:

1,442 Calories, 338 g Carbs, 11 g Fat, 37 g Protein, 853 g Sodium, 195 g Sugar

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 8

When you Wake Up: 8-12 oz of Hot Lemon Water

Hot Water w/ Lemon or Ginger
8-12 oz water
1 Lemon Wedge
¼ in ginger, peeled and thinly sliced (optional)

Breakfast: Green Carrot Pear Juice

Green Carrot Pear Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
570 Calories, 128 g Carbs, 4 g Fat, 20 g Protein, 556 g Sodium, 50 g Sugar
2 Large Cucumbers
8 Carrots
6 Kale leafs
1 Pear
2” Ginger root

Morning Snack: 16 oz Coconut Water

Lunch: Citrus Orange Bell Juice

Citrus Orange Bell Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
390 Calories, 94 g Carbs, 2 g Fat, 10 g Protein, 202 g Sodium, 62 g Sugar
2 Bell Peppers, seeded
1 Orange, peeled
4 Carrots
1 large handful of fresh Pineapple
1 Lemon, peeled

Afternoon Snack: Green Carrot Pear Juice

Dinner: Citrus Orange Bell Juice

Dessert: Spicy Black Passion

Spicy Black Passion
Makes 1 Serving
250 Calories, 61 g Carbs, 2 g Fat, 5 g Protein, 8 g Sodium, 44 g Sugar
2 cups Blackberries
2 cups Black or Purple Grapes
2” Ginger root

Before Bed: Herbal Tea

Total Nutritional Values for the day based on MyFitnessPal Values:
1,280 Calories, 296 g Carbs, 8 g Fat, 33 g Protein, 943 g Sodium, 171 g Sugar

End of day 7 report

Coming soon...

Day 7

When you Wake Up: 8-12 oz of Hot Lemon Water

Hot Water w/ Lemon or Ginger
8-12 oz water
1 Lemon Wedge
¼ in ginger, peeled and thinly sliced (optional)

Breakfast: Green Citrus Juice

Green Citrus Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
402 Calories, 100 g Carbs, 6 g Fat, 10 g Protein, 156 g Sodium, 72 g Sugar
2 Green Apples
2 Oranges, peeled
6 big handfuls of Leafy Greens (Kale, Chard, Spinach, Romaine, etc.)

Morning Snack: 16 oz Coconut Water

Lunch: Red, White, Blue, (& Green!) Juice

Red, White, Blue (& Green!) Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
553 Calories, 128 g Carbs, 6 g Fat, 24 g Protein, 234 g Sodium, 60 g Sugar
3 cups Watermelon
2 cups Blueberries
12-16 Kale leaves

Afternoon Snack: Green Citrus Juice

Dinner: Sporty Spice Juice

Sporty Spice Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
456 Calories, 106 g Carbs, 6 g Fat, 14 g Protein, 660 g Sodium, 72 g Sugar
4  Beets
2 Carrots
6 Celery stalks
1 Lemon, peeled
2 Oranges, peeled
2 handfuls Basil leaves

Dessert: Red, White, Blue (& Green!) Juice

Before Bed: Herbal Tea

Total Nutritional Values for the day based on MyFitnessPal Values:
1,254 Calories, 298 g Carbs, 13 g Fat, 39 g Protein, 899 g Sodium, 181 g Sugar

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 6

When you Wake Up: 8-12 oz of Hot Lemon Water

Hot Water w/ Lemon or Ginger
8-12 oz water
1 Lemon Wedge
¼ in ginger, peeled and thinly sliced (optional)

Breakfast: Carrot Apple Lemon Juice

Carrot Apple Lemon Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
430 Calories, 112 g Carbs, 2 g Fat, 4 g Protein, 206 g Sodium, 72 g Sugar
4 Apples
4 Carrots
2 Lemons (peeled)

Morning Snack: 16 oz Coconut Water

Lunch: Joe’s Mean Green Juice

Joe’s Mean Green Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
480 Calories, 100 g Carbs, 6 g Fat, 26 g Protein, 400 g Sodium, 22 g Sugar
6 Kale leaves
2 Cucumbers
2 Celery stalks
1 Green Apple
½ Lemon
1 in Ginger root

Afternoon Snack: Carrot Apple Lemon Juice

Dinner: Joe’s Mean Green Juice

Dessert: Watermelon Crush

Watermelon Crush
114 Calories, 26 g Carbs, 0 g Fat, 2 g Protein, 5 g Sodium, 20 g Sugar
This recipe makes 1 serving
2 cups Watermelon
1 Lime
1 handful Basil Leaves

Before Bed: Herbal Tea

Total Nutritional Values for the day based on MyFitnessPal Values:

1,092 Calories, 254 g Carbs, 8 g Fat, 32 g Protein, 791 g Sodium, 128 g Sugar

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

End of day 5 report

Today has been a very good and productive day!  A big contribution to that is I juiced my whole days worth of juice in the morning.  Not only did it save a lot of time by not having to clean up my mess but once, it also allowed me to drink my juice a little bit before I was getting hungry. It was a nice feeling knowing that my juice was all made for the day.

I stored my daily juice in glass mason jars.  I realize that it is best to drink fresh juice immediately, however I really don't think that too much is lost in just 8-12 hours. It is definitely better than cheating on the juice fast because you didn't have any juice handy.

I had someone post to my blog that wanted details on how I juiced each drink and what I thought of each one.  I will start that in this post and go back to my earlier posts and update them.

Lets see... today I drank:

1. Orange Grapefruit Carrot Juice ~ I thought this juice was very yummy!  It was also an easy one to make. I put the oranges & grapefruit in the juicer first then put the celery, carrot, and ginger in after that.

2.  Un-Beet-able Juice ~  This one was good too. I know a lot of people say that they don't like beets, but I have found that after about 4 days or so they don't upset my stomach or affect my bowels as much. Plus they  have a lot of protein.   I started out by juicing the apples. I then put handfuls of spinach & kale in with my carrots and juiced them together along with a piece of ginger.

3. Purple Passion ~ This one is also very delicious!  I just put all the grapes and blueberries in a bowl and fed them along with some mint into the juicer. Most juicers don't do that well with berries, so don't be alarmed if your pulp is not at dry as it normally is.

I felt really good today!  No headaches or diarrhea. I went to the gym this morning and had plenty of energy all day long.  I hope tomorrow goes as well as I have a business luncheon at a restaurant. That is going to be my biggest challenge so far. Everyone will be eating delicious meals and I will be drinking. LOL

I'm off to prepare for tomorrow....

How to store fruits and vegetables for maximum life

Coming soon...

Day 5

When you Wake Up: 8-12 oz of Hot Lemon Water

Hot Water w/ Lemon or Ginger
8-12 oz water
1 Lemon Wedge
¼ in ginger, peeled and thinly sliced (optional)

Breakfast: Orange Grapefruit Carrot Juice

Orange Grapefruit Carrot Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
562 Calories, 169 g Carbs, 0 g Fat, 14 g Protein, 104 g Sodium, 136 g Sugar
4 Oranges, peeled
1 Grapefruit, peeled
2 Celery Stalks
1 Carrot
1 in Ginger root 

Morning Snack: 16 oz Coconut Water

Lunch: Un-Beet-able Juice

Un-Beet-able Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
562 Calories, 132 g Carbs, 2 g Fat, 20 g Protein, 672 g Sodium, 68 g Sugar
2 Apples
2 Beets
6 Carrots
2 in Ginger root
3 handfuls Leafy Greens (kale, spinach, romaine, etc.)

Afternoon Snack: Orange Grapefruit Carrot Juice

Dinner: Un-Beet-able Juice

Dessert: Purple Passion

Purple Passion
This recipe makes 1 serving
374 Calories, 96 g Carbs, 1 g Fat, 4 g Protein, 9 g Sodium, 75 g Sugar
2 cups Purple, Black, or Red Grapes
2 cups blueberries
1 handful mints

Before Bed: Herbal Tea

Total Nutritional Values for the day based on MyFitnessPal Values:

1,442 Calories, 338 g Carbs, 11 g Fat, 37 g Protein, 853 g Sodium, 195 g Sugar

End of Day 4 Report

Well... it is getting easier and easier to just drink juice all day. I've been staying pretty busy and haven't even been making the dessert meal. I probably would drink it if I made it earlier in the day.   Tomorrow I'm going to juice everything in the morning so that I will have it throughout the day. It think that will be easier and less time consuming if I do it all at once.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 4

When you Wake Up: 8-12 oz of Hot Lemon Water

Hot Water w/ Lemon or Ginger
8-12 oz water
1 Lemon Wedge
¼ in ginger, peeled and thinly sliced (optional)

Breakfast: Apple Carrot Lemon Juice

Apple Carrot Lemon Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
430 Calories, 112 g Carbs, 2 g Fat, 4 g Protein, 206 g Sodium, 72 g Sugar
4 Apples
4 Carrots
2 Lemons (peeled)
Ginger (optional)

Morning Snack: 16 oz Coconut Water

Lunch: Garden Variety Juice

Garden Variety Juice
This recipe makes 2 servings
522 Calories, 122 g Carbs, 2 g Fat, 18 g Protein, 212 g Sodium, 80 g Sugar
2 Green Apples
2 oranges, peeled
6 big handfuls of leafy greens (kale, chard, spinach, romaine, etc.)

Afternoon Snack: Apple Carrot Lemon Juice

Dinner: Garden Variety Juice

Dessert: Peach Pie Delight

Peach Pie Delight
This recipe makes 1 serving
477 Calories, 120 g Carbs, 0 g Fat, 6 g Protein, 70 g Sodium, 67 g Sugar
1 Sweet Potato
2 ripe Peaches
1 Red Apple
1 cup Blueberries
Dash cinnamon

Before Bed: Herbal Tea

Total Nutritional Values for the day based on MyFitnessPal Values:

1,469 Calories, 365 g Carbs, 5 g Fat, 28 g Protein, 527 g Sodium, 226 g Sugar